Calculus 1,2,3 for Engineers
- Engr. General Chemistry & Chemistry Lab
- Engineering Projects/ASEN 2500 Gateway to
Space - Computing Requirement
- Intro to Statics, Structures & Materials
- Intro to Thermodynamics & Aerodynamics
- Diff Eq with Linear Algebra
- Intro to Dynamics & Systems
- Aerodynamics
- Structures
- Thermo & Heat Transfer
- Physics
- Aircraft Dynamics
- Orbit Mech./ Att design & control
- Electronics & Communications
- Aerospace Materials
- Foundations of Propulsion
In addition, an elective is required each semester, totaling in 8 electives.
Electives come from the following fields:
- Human Diversity
- Foreign Language
- Historical Context
- Ideals & Values
- Literature & Arts
- United States Context
Thanks for sharing your insight on this. I hope this investigation gave you a better idea about how a college level engineering experience might work.