Monday, February 28, 2011

3.1.1 Outputs and Inputs

  • A while ago we did Activity 3.1.1 which went over outputs, inputs, digital and analog switches.
Some of the main questions from the packet include:
  • potentiometer ranges from 43-5000
  • you are able to change to direction/speed of motors by right clicking on them. OR you can change the direction by switching the wiring.
  • Reed switches are used to detect magnetic fields, like the field emitted by the electromagnet.
  • the reed switch behaves normally open.
  • Photoresistors' inputs become lower the closer they get to the lamp.
  • Phototransistors' inputs become higher as they get closer to the lamp.
  • The phototransistor's function can be switched by just changing the program.
1. Describe how mini switch diagram relates to concept of normally open or closed??

----The miniswitch's wiring diagram is simple, line with a circle indicates it moves, and lines indicate lines of power. Thus it is noramlly closed where the line makes a complete circuit, and it is normally open when there is a break in the line.

2.How is computer able to interpret the analog signals from interface??

--- A computer can interpret analog signals because it converts them to digital and then using its intelligence can convert back to analog.

3.Why does resistance decrease as the NTC resistor becomes warmer??

---The resistance decreases as the resistor gets warmer because the higher the temp, the easier it is for current to flow.

Friday, February 25, 2011


  • Today we learned a new feature of ROBO PRO, Subprograms. They allow you to enter a subprogram into a main program.

  • This is helpful because while you are doing one function, you can simultaneously be running something, but still only have one flowchart.

  • .To the right is the main program with BUZZ nestled in it. To the bottom is my subprogram, BUZZ.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Super Bowl Ad- Doritos

This Doritos commercial is probably my favorite out of them all. I thought it was hilarious and witty. Although very funny, it cost Doritos a lot of money. $2.8 million to $3.0 million for a 30 second ad. So the question is, how many bags of chips would they have to sell in order to make up for that cost??

If the avarage cost of a 12 oz. bag of Doritos is $3.00, and lets say it cost them $ 1.75 per bag to manufacture and ship to the selling location. (NOT EXACT #'s) Then the company would make $1.25 per bag.

So that means Doritos would have to sell 24,000,000 bags of chips to compensate for the commercial. Considering 111 million viewers watched the superbowl, I think that the ad will pay off soon enough.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Robo Pro: Variables, Branch Sections, etc..

Today we learned how to create programs on the ROBO Pro software that involve branches and variables. The variable tool is very helpful.

My program above turns on a light for 2 seconds. That counts as one time. This program keeps repeating until it happens 5 times total. The variable tool helped to get rid of unnecessary lines that made the flowchart messy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Activity 3.1.4

Today, Wednesday, we used ROBO PRo once again. Today we started working with switches and it actually became a little harder. We got it under control and were able to do it. Here is our picture of a light with a potentiometer. When you turn the potentiometer, the light will turn on. Pretty cool stuff.

My team consisted of Ryan, Nick, and I. Although we used the software on my computer, we all helped to built the module and take pictures. I think all of us made an even contribution.

1. Describe why it is important to include branches in programs
-----It is important to include branches in your program because if you want to be able to turn things on and off, you need to have switches and branches in your program.

2. Describe an everyday application of a normally open switch that has not been given as an example.
 ----An everyday application of an open switch is a railroad switch. When you turn the switch it changes to a different track.

3. Describe an everyday application of a normally closed switch that has not been given as an example.
------A normally closed switch would be a faucet. When you open the faucet the water will flow.

Activity 3.1.3

Today using the ROBO pro software Ryan,Nick and I did activity 3.1.3. It instructed us to just create a simple design to make a motor work....but we chose to expand a little bit. We ended up creating a mini "light show" with the buzzer for sound effects.

For the conclusion questions, 1. The best way to make sure all devices are in correct port is to just look at the ROBO PRO controller and make sure they are in the correct thing, like M1 or M2 or L1 so on and so forth.
2. The importance of labeling blocks is to make sure you don't get confused about whats going on.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Activity 3.1.2a

Today, Thursday, we created a flowchart using Microsoft Word. I haven't created a flowchart before so this is a new experience for me. Actually it is a very easy task. Below is my flowchart.
And here is another:
1. How is flowcharting similar to using a map to plan a route for a trip?

--- Flowcharting is very similar to using a map for a trip. You start at the beginning and follow the road (arrows in chart) until you get to a checkpoint. Then you follow another road to somewhere else. If at the end you are at the correct place, you stop. If not, then you turn around and take another route to try to get to your destination.

2. Describe a process that you perform every day. Develop a flowchart that illustrates the process.

--I'm going to do a flowchart for my getting up process in the morning.  Here it is::